fcl - Common C Library
Author: firk
Created: 22/30/03
Download deb packages: manually or automatically via apt (apt-get install libfccl)
Download source: fcl-20231219.tar.gz

How to compile quickly:

tar xzf fcl-20231205.tar.gz
cd fcl-20231205/DEV/src  (OR DEV/src for 20231130 and earlier)
./build.sh fcl

First run ./build.sh will inspect OS and available compiler, and will create the scripts/BUILD.CONF file with build configuration. After that, the command could be used to build some project of the system:
./build.sh <project_dir>

Another way is to add 'scripts' directory to $PATH, for example by adding this line to ~/.bashrc:
export PATH="$HOME/DEV/src/scripts:$PATH"

After that, projects can bebuilt by running theirown build.sh directly from their directories. Also, the CCI / LDI and other commands become available for your own use to build something using fcl or other libraries from this system.

You can alter BUILD.CONF BINPATH= variable with preferred path for installing compiled binaries. Default value is ../bin/ relative to this file, but one may think that $HOME/bin (present in $PATH) will be better.

When downloading other projects of this system, it is recommended to place them to the same directory where this file placed, nearby already existing 'fcl' directory.

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